Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yesterday it was the 'Prize Day ceremony' at my son's school and nothing could have depicted today's changing parental aspirations and the ever changing status of children being reduced to a commodity..something to show off to the neighbours, friends and relatives, in a better way!
in yesteryear...a child's achievement did bring the sense of pride to the family which mostly came for the assurance of the child following the correct path...that was hard work and proper values ,unlike today's scene, where the glory which a child gets in the form of that certificate or the shining brass cup is more about being able to make ur relatives and friends feel letdown by 'their' children!And more than the actual winning....its the sense of having 'better' children than your peers that makes one feel elated.Blogger: Its Life Honey - Edit Post "Yesterday it was the 'Prize Day ceremony' at my so..."

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